10 March 2009

eating out -- tuesday's take five -- week #6

thanks to everyone who has been playing along with tuesday's take 5. some people have said they wanted to play but didn't because they don't cook, well, this week is for you. all the questions this week are about eating out and we all do that (or somedays just dream about it in this economy!)

  1. What was the last meal you ate out?
  2. If your partner or friends could take you to any restaurant you wanted (their treat), which one would it be?
  3. Buffet, take-out or sit-down restaurant?
  4. What restaurant do you eat at the most?
  5. What type of restaurant is missing from your current town?
answer these 5 questions on your blog today and enter your name (or your blog's name) in the name field below and a permalink (the url for your blog post with the answer to these questions and not just to your main blog page) to your blog post in the url field. thanks for playing, see you next week!

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